830. Prime numbers
Print all prime
numbers in the range from m to n, inclusive.
Input. Two positive
integers m and n (2
≤ m ≤ n ≤ 300000).
Output. Print all prime
numbers in the range [m; n] in ascending order, one number per
line. If there are no prime numbers in the range from m to n, print
input 1 |
output 1 |
2 5 |
2 3 5 |
input 2 |
output 2 |
4 4 |
Absent |
prime test
through all positive integers in the range from m to n
and print only the prime numbers. If there are no prime numbers in the range [m; n], print
the message “Absent.”
The function IsPrime checks whether the number n is prime.
If n is prime, the function
returns 1.
Otherwise, the function returns 0.
int IsPrime(int
for(int i = 2; i <= sqrt(n); i++)
if (n % i
== 0) return 0;
return 1;
The main part of the program. Read the input data.
scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
Initially, assume that there are no prime numbers in the
range. Set flag = 0.
flag = 0;
Iterate through the numbers from m to n. If
the current number is prime, print it and set flag = 1.
for(i = m; i <= n; i++)
flag = 1;
If no prime number is printed (flag = 0), print the message “Absent”.
if (flag == 0) puts("Absent");
The function IsPrime checks whether the number n is prime.
If n is prime, the function
returns 1.
Otherwise, the function returns 0.
def IsPrime(n):
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
if n % i == 0: return False
return True
The main part of the program. Read the input data.
m, n
= map(int,input().split())
Initially, assume that there are no prime numbers in the
range. Set flag = 0.
flag = 0
Iterate through the numbers from m to n. If
the current number is prime, print it and set flag = 1.
for i in range(m, n + 1):
if IsPrime(i):
flag = 1
If no prime number is printed (flag = 0), print the message “Absent”.
if flag
== 0: print("Absent")